Wednesday, 5 December 2012


My magazine cover uses a variety of conventions so that it follows what is expected of a typical magazine. For example, it has a masthead directly at the top so that you know what the name of the magazine is, and a skyline above the masthead which promotes the magazine in a good light. It also has cover lines to show snippets of what  is inside the magazine and most importantly a main image that relates to what the magazine is about in the specific issue - so in this case a student because its a student magazine. 

My magazine represents different social groups due to the fact nothing is being specified in terms of who it's aimed at apart from the fact it's for sixth formers. Other than that it has a a wide range of pictures that consists of all sorts of people interacting, therefore representing all sorts of social groups instead of just one in particular.

I think the type of media institution that would distribute my magazine would be one that specialises in school magazines. For example, the SPC (School Publications Company) would probably consider my magazine as I have made sure that it has everything that is looked for in a school magazine and more. They are probably looking for new and well put magazines to publish and I feel that my magazine meet that criteria.

As I've mentioned before, the audience for my magazine is sixth formers. I've made this clear through the conventions on my magazine cover. The name of the magazine is 'iStudent' and since the 'i' stands for independent. I feel this is a good way to reach out to my target audience because then sixth formers are going to relate to the fact that they are now independent learners. Also, the cover lines consist of things that sixth formers are going to see as interesting or helpful. One of my cover lines promotes a double page spread on a sixth formers journey through to A2, and I'm sure sixth formers would like know what happened because then they will feel that they can relate to any struggles along the way or just out of pure curiosity as to how some else's sixth form years went.

Looking back on the preliminary task, I feel I have learned a number of things. One of the main things being how to go about designing the front of my magazine cover. Throughout the weeks I've learned exactly where to place things on the page and about colour scheme and typography. During of the early weeks of being set the task, I wasn't sure on where to place things and I had a very vague idea of what I wanted but had no idea of how it was going to be created as the end result. Though as the weeks have gone by I have managed to learn skills that have produced the end result of my magazine cover.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

iStudent Contents Page - Plan

My Magazine Front Cover: iStudent

My Masthead Design For My Magazine

This is my design for the masthead that will appear on my magazine. I feel that this design will appeal to my audience for various reasons. I made the 'i' a lower case letter, and so it indicates it stands for something. In this case, it stands for independent and I think independent students relates to my target audience (sixth formers) considering once you are a sixth former, you are more independent in terms of work etc. I also made the typography look as if a student had drawn it. This again will attract the audience because they can relate to things like doodling in class and such.    

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

The Main Image: Five Possible Photographs

Here are five photographs that I have taken that could be used as the main image for my magazine.

The Main Image For My Magazine

I think this is the best photograph for my front cover out of the five I've taken. This is because out of the five, it shows a the best use of mis-en-scene. The environment in the background shows that it is of a school setting from the bulletin boards. The use of props (glasses, student I.D) give you the impression that is a student. Also the facial expression of the student is happy, which gives of positive vibes, that would then reflect off the audience in  a good way.

Body language is good as well, because the posture of the student isn't slouching as if they are not bothered to be in school, but as if they are ready to learn. So in conclusion, I think this photograph as a front cover will do good in terms of catching my target audience's eye.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Design Ideas: My Flat Plan

This is a flat for my student magazine. I've made sure to add the typical conventions of a magazine such as the masthead, skyline, cover lines etc. This will give me a basic guide of what I want for the end result. I find the typography I have used for my masthead ( that I've roughly drawn out) to be quite good. It will stand out and attracts the audience. The 'i' in the name iStudent stands for independent and has an eye drawn on top of it instead of a normal dot to represent the eyes of a student. The skyline says 'The magazine for independent students (6th form)' and I think this links in well with the masthead. I also made sure my coverlines have things to do with the genre of this magazine and that they are interesting enough to get students to want to read inside.

Monday, 29 October 2012

Magazine Cover Analysis - Conventions

Magazine Cover Analysis - The Main Image

From this media text, we are given the impression through the use of mis-en-scene that  Katy Perry (as the main image) is being represented as someone with innocence and class.

One of the first things you notice is that she is giving the audience a direct mode of address but her facial expression ivery bland. This could suggest that  she is trying to ‘connect’ to the audience and  that she is trying to give them the impression she is someone approachable as opposed to some main images where celebrities look intimidating.

Her dress (costume) is pink, which usually connotes innocence. This could be a way of representing her to the audience as someone who is virtuous. The glittery sequins could also connote her elegance since they are usually associated with things of the higher status.

You also notice that her hair is purple, and the colour purple usually connotes royalty. This again, strengthens my point on how she is being represented as someone with ‘higher class’. It falls gracefully to side of her arm and not down her back which may have been done purposely in order for it to be in view of the camera and for the audience to clearly see it.

Analysing The Results Of My Questionnaire

The results of my questionnaire are interesting, as not everyone I sent the questionnaire out to bothered to look at it an answer the questions. So in terms of how successful it turned out it wasn't a 100% involvement (8/10 people). However, the people who did answer my questionnaire did manage to answer all questions, and gave valid answers. The answer people have put down for each question either varies or is similar to what someone else has put down, but luckily there is a significant number in which prefers what so it won't be to hard trying to meet everyone's needs. Overall, I think I have enough feedback to create a magazine that will reach out to my target audience successfully. 

Here is a screen shot of one of the questions from my questionnaire and how many people responded.
The responses I got for that question:

"I would expect to see at least some form of text."

"A few words from the editor."

"Movie Reviews."

"A contents page so I know what things are on which page."

"An eye catching, interesting page."

"Pictures to go with the text."

"Something that will keep me reading."

"Lots of Pictures!"

Thursday, 25 October 2012

My Questionnaire - The Questions

Here are the questions I have come up with for the questionnaire I have sent out.

The Preliminary Task

1. What Is The Project You Are Working On?
For the preliminary task, we have been asked to make a school magazine with the target audience being the students.

2.What Are The Key Requirements?
For key requirements, I have to make sure that I've included a medium close up shot as my main image and as well as making sure it catches it's target audience's eye, that it has relevance to my magazine in the first place. Another key requirement is to make sure I am following the conventions of a typical magazine. So the masthead is on the left hand side for example, and the sky line is at the top etc.

3. What Are the Time Frames For This Project?
We have been told that all research has to be done by Friday October 26th, The production has to be done by Friday 23rd November and that the Evaluation has to be done by Friday 14th December.

4.Who Are Your Target Audience?
The target audience I have decided on with my group is KS5 (Key Stage Five, 6th Form) and we'll make sure the magazine cover will be aimed at them in order to attract them.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Second Movie Poster Analysis

This media text most definitely has the conventions of a film poster that associates with the genre of action.

Firstly using mis-en-scene, we as an audience can see that this is of the action genre because of the costume. We can see from using denotation that everyone in the poster is wearing a costume of some kind but using connotation we can suggest that these are for 'superhero' use. The setting/location looks to be outside and around them chaos seems to be happening what the explosions on the side. Explosions is something else that is usually seen on a action movie poster - adding to the conventions.

The body language of everyone in alert and looks as if they're ready to fight. Their facial expressions are serious, which again is something that is often seen when looking at posters that are of the action genre. We can denote that the main colour used on the poster is a murky blue colour. This could connote as a dark edge to what goes on in the film as it's not a very light 'happy' colour and is rather serious. Also, the colour may also have been used to make sure all the characters on the front stand out more and are the main focus of the poster.

Regarding typography, the name of the movie 'Avengers Assemble' is in capital letters which makes it one of the main focuses. The font seems to have a symbol intertwined in it, that could represent an air force of some sort - once again adding to the conventions of what is seen on an action genre movie poster. The colour of the font is silver/metallic which is a very good colour to help maintain the status of an action movie as it represents power. Lastly the shot type used here was a long shot as it has full body view of everyone and the scenery around them. This is probably to get as much 'action' represented in just the poster alone so that it catches the target audience's eye.

And so from this analysis I can conclude that this poster managed to do well in terms of staying true to the conventions of a movie poster in the action genre.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Coursework Skills Audit: My Evaluation

After completing the 'AS Media Studies Coursework Skills Audit' I was able to find out my strengths and weaknesses. 

I have been able to identify my strengths in the two sections; the first being the 'Video' section. The skills needed for this part of the course play to my best abilities and I was able to put  almost all my responses as either a 4 or a 5. Since I have made a lot of videos before, I am good with a video camera and have used editing software beyond the standards of Windows Movie Maker many times. I am also aware of the terminology to use when describing what I have done in my video editing and know a great majority of different shot types. The second and other part of the course that I have strength in is the 'Website' section. Again, I was able to put 4's and 5's down as a response for each question and this time not one of my answers were lower than a 4. This will also be an easy part of the course for me because I am skilled in using publishing software and have had a lot of practice using software like Photoshop. I have also created and added to websites before so I would have had experience before hand.

I have also been able to identify my main weakness as 'Audio', considering I have put most of my responses as 2 and 3's. This is the part of the course I don't feel as confident in and will have to work harder in to maintain a good grade overall. Although I am interested in music, I don't make my own music nor do I listen to the radio often. I also haven't listened to many types of radio shows and even less feel confident in recruiting actors to play parts on a radio show. I will have to try my best with this section and hopefully I will be able to get a good outcome and a good grade. Though I'm sure I can make sure that will be the case.