Thursday 25 October 2012

The Preliminary Task

1. What Is The Project You Are Working On?
For the preliminary task, we have been asked to make a school magazine with the target audience being the students.

2.What Are The Key Requirements?
For key requirements, I have to make sure that I've included a medium close up shot as my main image and as well as making sure it catches it's target audience's eye, that it has relevance to my magazine in the first place. Another key requirement is to make sure I am following the conventions of a typical magazine. So the masthead is on the left hand side for example, and the sky line is at the top etc.

3. What Are the Time Frames For This Project?
We have been told that all research has to be done by Friday October 26th, The production has to be done by Friday 23rd November and that the Evaluation has to be done by Friday 14th December.

4.Who Are Your Target Audience?
The target audience I have decided on with my group is KS5 (Key Stage Five, 6th Form) and we'll make sure the magazine cover will be aimed at them in order to attract them.

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