Friday 4 January 2013

The Main Project and The Deadlines

For the main project, we have been asked to create a front cover, a contents page and a double page spread for a music magazine. In order to get these three things done in the time frame that's been set, I will have to make sure I plan out my time accordingly so that the final result is as good as it can be. The type of magazine I've decided on is a rock magazine. A rock magazine has all the conventions of a stereotypical magazine but they usually feature it with things to do with the rock genre like bands/artists. I'm trying to create something that could be as successful as rock magazines already out there like Kerrang and NME. I've decided my target audience to be from the age range of 12 - 18, so from preteens to young adults.

The deadline for all work to be handed in is 28th March 2013 and I have set out what is to be done before then on different dates.

December 2012:
11th - Write out deadlines
15th - Analyse a few front covers, contents pages and double page spreads
17th - Carry out surveys for research 
19th - Draw out Flat Plan
21st - Look at the appropriate props

January 2013:
7th - Start production
9th - Choose the official design for the masthead
12th - Produce 3 Images for the Front Cover,
19th - Proudce 3 Images for The Contents Page to chose from 
26th - Produce 5 Images for The Double page spread to chose from 

February 2013:
9th - Begin designing the front cover on Photoshop
16th - Begin designing the contents page
23rd - Begin designing the Double page spread
28th - Write up the article for the double page spread

March 2013
11th - Finalise everything, make sure everything is up to high standard
18th - Write up Evaluation
28th - The official deadline - everything should be finished

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