Thursday, 10 January 2013

Research: Survey Questions, Results and Analysis

Here were the survey questions I came up with to ask my target audience:

1. Would you rather see an old artist or a new artist featured in a rock magazine?
2. Would you like to see album reviews?
3. What is the maximum price your willing to pay for a rock magazine?
4. What kind of colour scheme is related to the word 'rock'.
5. Which of these mastheads (names) that we have considered do you think is best for the magazine:
Rock Radar, Rock Prodigy, Heavy Sound, Rebellion.
6. How often would you buy the magazine? E.g Weekly? Monthly? etc.
7. What would you like to see/expect to see as the main image?

I asked up to 15 people these questions and there was a variety of answers. This is an example of answers (Answered by Zhen Huang)

1. Old artist
2. Yes
3. Around £3-£4
4. Black
5. Rock Radar
6. Monthly
7. A Famous Band 

I find that it's more successful to directly ask people your survey questions instead of sending them out online. This is because they have to take the time to listen to you whereas online a person could easily ignore your questionnaire - since there is known one there to pressure them into answering. Everyone who I asked did the questionnaire and all responses were helpful in one way or another. With this significant part of research, I feel that my knowledge for what is expected of a rock magazine has expanded and I feel more confident on what to include in my own one.

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