Wednesday 26 September 2012

Sunday 23 September 2012

Second Movie Poster Analysis

This media text most definitely has the conventions of a film poster that associates with the genre of action.

Firstly using mis-en-scene, we as an audience can see that this is of the action genre because of the costume. We can see from using denotation that everyone in the poster is wearing a costume of some kind but using connotation we can suggest that these are for 'superhero' use. The setting/location looks to be outside and around them chaos seems to be happening what the explosions on the side. Explosions is something else that is usually seen on a action movie poster - adding to the conventions.

The body language of everyone in alert and looks as if they're ready to fight. Their facial expressions are serious, which again is something that is often seen when looking at posters that are of the action genre. We can denote that the main colour used on the poster is a murky blue colour. This could connote as a dark edge to what goes on in the film as it's not a very light 'happy' colour and is rather serious. Also, the colour may also have been used to make sure all the characters on the front stand out more and are the main focus of the poster.

Regarding typography, the name of the movie 'Avengers Assemble' is in capital letters which makes it one of the main focuses. The font seems to have a symbol intertwined in it, that could represent an air force of some sort - once again adding to the conventions of what is seen on an action genre movie poster. The colour of the font is silver/metallic which is a very good colour to help maintain the status of an action movie as it represents power. Lastly the shot type used here was a long shot as it has full body view of everyone and the scenery around them. This is probably to get as much 'action' represented in just the poster alone so that it catches the target audience's eye.

And so from this analysis I can conclude that this poster managed to do well in terms of staying true to the conventions of a movie poster in the action genre.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Coursework Skills Audit: My Evaluation

After completing the 'AS Media Studies Coursework Skills Audit' I was able to find out my strengths and weaknesses. 

I have been able to identify my strengths in the two sections; the first being the 'Video' section. The skills needed for this part of the course play to my best abilities and I was able to put  almost all my responses as either a 4 or a 5. Since I have made a lot of videos before, I am good with a video camera and have used editing software beyond the standards of Windows Movie Maker many times. I am also aware of the terminology to use when describing what I have done in my video editing and know a great majority of different shot types. The second and other part of the course that I have strength in is the 'Website' section. Again, I was able to put 4's and 5's down as a response for each question and this time not one of my answers were lower than a 4. This will also be an easy part of the course for me because I am skilled in using publishing software and have had a lot of practice using software like Photoshop. I have also created and added to websites before so I would have had experience before hand.

I have also been able to identify my main weakness as 'Audio', considering I have put most of my responses as 2 and 3's. This is the part of the course I don't feel as confident in and will have to work harder in to maintain a good grade overall. Although I am interested in music, I don't make my own music nor do I listen to the radio often. I also haven't listened to many types of radio shows and even less feel confident in recruiting actors to play parts on a radio show. I will have to try my best with this section and hopefully I will be able to get a good outcome and a good grade. Though I'm sure I can make sure that will be the case.